- [Fabric & Quilt] Nether Reactor Core stages did not work properly.
- Shadow Sandstone and it products recipes did not unlock properly.
- Pack Selection Screen did not work with OreUI enabled.
- Changed "minecraft:old_multi_noise" to "exotelcraft:old_multi_noise" to avoid incompatibility with other mods (This is breaking change - You can't load worlds from 4.1.0 ALPHA-1. YOU NEED TO CHANGE THE ID THROUGHT NBT EDITOR TO LOAD THE OLD WORLD)
- Added back Nether Reactor Core recipe.
- Changed id of "exotelcraft:alpha_grass_block" to "exotelcraft:exotel_alpha_grass_block"
- Added some (unfinished) alpha blocks & items for future big update 5.0.0
The new version is already in a more stable Beta phase than Alpha and also fixes some bugs. Happy Digging!
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