- Fixed crash with narrator enabled in Bedrock UI.
- Fixed catching Exotel Cod to Dark Water Bucket
- Fixed problems with entity transforms rendering by adding the option mentioned above.
- [Fabric] Fixed portals to other dimensions like nether not working properly.
- [Forge] Fixed Exotel portal texture when teleporting.
- [Forge] Fixed Exotel Cod drowing in Dark Water.
- [Forge] Added back Exotelcraft spawn eggs and Exotel Cod Bucket.
- Added new option for Entity Transforms.
- Added Poecilotheria Metallica (New Spider)
- Added Added Poecilotheria Spawn Egg.
| Spawns in Exotel in Blogre and Flonre Forests at night.
| Neutral
- Some changes to Dry Exotel Zombie spawning.
- Added back Exotel Cod spawning.
New version with some bugfixes and some changes!
Happy Exotel exploring!
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